SDN INTERNATIONAL(sm) Shareware Distribution Network Shareware Author Kit - Revision #12 Guide To The SDN.ID Format Published from The SDN Project, January 28th 1996 (c)Copyright 1996 Ray L. Kaliss - The SDN Project -= Copyright Notice =- This document is Copyright The SDN Project 1996 and the property of Ray L. Kaliss as The SDN Project. This document in not public domain. It is intended as an informational document for Shareware authors submitting for distribution via SDN International. This document may be copied whole and unmodified for that intent only. Official Policy is formulated by SDN International and published at The SDN Project Bulletin Board in Meriden, CT, U.S.A. 203-634-0370. Policy and information posted online at The SDN Project supersedes policy in circulation or of earlier date. SDN, The SDN Project, and the service mark of SDN International are Copyright 1989-1996 by Ray L. Kaliss and can not be used with out express written permission. Files distributed by SDN are copyright by their respective authors. SDN's packaging format and SDN.ID individually are copyrighted by SDN International. THE SDN.ID FORMAT EXPLAINATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To process and distribute on such a scale.. we are partially automated. What assists us is an ASCII text file we call the SDN.ID file. It also lets downloaders know that the software meets SDN's crieria, has been virus scanned and is security sealed. The format is copyright to SDN. You create it yourself with any ASCII editor, it is really quite simple. You must include one for each program you submit to us. The SDN.ID is pure ASCII text (no hidden control codes) and is a format of which the first three lines serve double duty as readable description and processing control information. Here is what the first few lines look like and their explanations of purpose. For further example examine the SDN.ID included with this kit. (Spacing may not be lined up if you print this example) ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³X-Word Editor 2.1 fast editor for the novice and experienced ³ ³WIN95 EDITOR WRITE PROCESSOR SPELL BLANCE ³ ³FILES: ³ ³ ³ ³Author: Timothy Blance ³ ³Registration: $50.00 ³ ³Category: Word Processing ³ ³E-mail: ³ ³ ³ ³ A superVGA editor system that uses icons you create. ³ ³Fantastic for the novice or the advanced power user. Spell ³ ³checker is included. Has a preview mode and will use five ³ ³etc.. etc.. etc.. ³ DESCRIPTION LINE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The first line, begins with the name of your program, the version number, and a few words of description. Keep this to 80 characters or less. There is no need to use the word "Version" or "v" (v.2.1), downloaders already know or learn very fast what a version number is, it simply wastes space. KEYWORD LINE ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The very first keyword, left justified, is the operating system this program runs under. Other appropriate keywords can follow. Keep in mind one commercial service limits the keyword line to less than 70 characters and I may truncate to fit. Use all capitals. Do not use the keyword "SHAREWARE", if it wasn't shareware, it wouldn't be here. Standard operating system keywords are given below. Use only one, the primary operating system your program is coded to run under. On online services your program will be delivered to this primary forum. DOS WIN31 WIN95 WINNT OS/2 FILES LINE ~~~~~~~~~~ On this line give the file name you would like the final downloadable compressed archive to be named. SDN has standardized on Zip compression for archiving, so the extension will always be ".zip". Use all lower case for this name, the Internet prefers lower case named files. Use only alpha-numerical characters, do not use a number or non-alpha for the first letter of the file name, some sites can not accept that. Bulletin board convention is to use a few alpha characters and then the version number for the posting file name. This keeps it unique, which is important. It also helps the downloader recognize your latest version from your earlier versions. (See Appendices for more information on file name conventions). SDN reserves the right to edit the final archive file name so it is compatible with online systems and to prevent conflicts which may hinder it from being distributed or posted. AUTHOR LINE ~~~~~~~~~~~ Put in your proud name as author, or if you are a publishing company given the authority to distribute the software for the author, change the line to "Publisher:" and then put the company name. REGISTRATION LINE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Put your registration fee here. There is no need to get too detailes, users should read your programs documentation for the full registration details. CATEGORY LINE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are no universal category standards in common in the online community, so come up with a one or two word category that simnply describes your software. If you are familiar with the ASP categories you should use one. EMAIL LINE ~~~~~~~~~~ If you have an Internet address and do not mind email, then give it here. This line is optional, you can simply skip it if you want to. Many times I have been contacted by companies that wish to offer the author a publishing deal, they can contact you directly now. On the other hand, you may get plenty of chit-chat mail taking up your time. DESCRIPTION BODY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is the main description of your program. Keep it short and to the point of your main features. Unlike the top header lines which must all be left justified, the body lines can be indented for better visual effect. About two screens of description text is all a user reading it online can absorb. REQUIREMENTS LINE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This line is optional. Many authors put a Requirements: line after the description body. This might tell users they need a SVGA, modem or other non-basic hardware, or other software to work with the program. MAILED IN DISK SUBMISSIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name and save the file as SDN.ID and copy it onto the first disk of your program you will be sending us. Example directory of your disk: MENU EXE 345266 12-10-93 1:03p MENU DOC 16354 12-10-93 10:10a MENU DAT 4562 10-12-93 11:01a -> SDN ID 1500 12-11-93 2:25p SORT EXE 34555 12-11-93 4:00p SDNMAKER SUBMISSIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copy the SDN.ID to the SOURCE diretory with your program files so SDNMaker can find it. LAST WORDS ~~~~~~~~~~ SDN reserves the right to edit the SDN.ID to better fit processing needs before your program is distributed. Be aware SDN.ID is included in the final compressed package. /eof